Our team

Our Team

Our Team

Your body doesn't work in isolation, and neither do we. Each of our osteopaths hold specific areas of speciality, and work in a unique and cohesive way where we may momentarily draw on the skills and experience of our colleagues by momentarily bringing them into your consultation. Paired with the equally integral role of our admin team from the moment you enter our doors, we believe that we offer the very best care possible at every appointment – and is one of the many reasons that thousands of people have trusted Bodyworx with their health since 2003.

karen from bodyworx

Karen Gardner

Director, Principal Osteopath OCNZ and ACC Registered, Member ONZ

Specialty – Maternity, newborn and children’s osteopathy

Karen’s philosophy in life and work is to support the body holistically, balancing and aligning the body to equip it to naturally resist life’s physical, emotional and environmental stresses. Karen’s postgraduate training in cranial and biodynamic osteopathy is a powerful asset to her clients, furthering her unique skillset and ability to support women through their pre-children, pregnancy and postpartum years, as well as their children from birth.

cheri from bodyworx

Cheri Quinton

Senior Osteopath OCNZ and ACC Registered

Specialty — Women's health and paediatric osteopathy, western medical acupuncture

With more than 10 years of experience as an osteopath, Cheri has a special interest in women’s health and paediatric osteopathy including pre and postpartum treatment, and holds an additional scope of osteopathic practice in western medical acupuncture. Cheri’s skillset is further enhanced through her own recent experience as a mother to a 3-year-old and newborn, who enjoy the relaxed lifestyle up in the Hibiscus Coast.